image of Karl Marx

Karl Marx

... Unknown

Manisfesto Komunis, asalnya bertajuk Manifesto Parti Komunis ialah penerbitan ringkas 1848 yang ditulis oleh ehli teori politik Marxisme Jerman, Karl Marx dan Friedrich Engels.Ia telah diiktiraf sebagai salah satu manuskrip politik yang paling berpengaruh di dunia. Ditauliahkan oleh Liga Komunis,ia meletakkan tujuan …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Manisfesto Komunis, asalnya bertajuk Manifesto Parti Komunis ialah penerbitan ringkas 1848 yang ditulis oleh ehli teori politik Marxisme Jerman, Karl Marx dan Friedrich Engels.Ia telah diiktiraf sebagai salah satu manuskrip politik yang paling berpengaruh di dunia. Ditauliahkan oleh Liga Komunis,ia meletakkan tujuan …

... Unknown

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 are a series of notes written between April and August 1844 by Karl Marx. Not published by Marx during his lifetime, they were first released in 1927 by researchers in the Soviet Union.

... Unknown

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 are a series of notes written between April and August 1844 by Karl Marx. Not published by Marx during his lifetime, they were first released in 1927 by researchers in the Soviet Union.