A Erva do Diabo é o nome de um livro e de uma erva do gênero Datura que se distribui notadamente pelo oeste dos Estados Unidos e América Central. A erva intitula a tradução do livro no Brasil pelo fato do antropólogo e escritor Carlos Castaneda descrever o uso dessa planta no livro cujo título original é: The …

Journey to Ixtlan is the third book by Carlos Castaneda, published as a work of non-fiction by Simon & Schuster in 1972. It is about an alleged apprenticeship to the Yaqui "shaman," Don Juan. The title of this book is taken from an allegory that is recounted to Castaneda by his "benefactor" who is known to Carlos …

A Separate Reality: Further Conversations With Don Juan is a book written by anthropologist/author Carlos Castaneda, published in 1971, concerning the events that took place during his apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian Sorcerer, Don Juan Matus, between 1960 and 1965. In the book Castaneda continues his description of …