Ship of Fools, publicado em 1962, é o único romance escrito por Katherine Anne Porter. Conta a história de um grupo de personagens disparatados que velejam do México para a Alemanha a bordo de um navio misto de carga e passageiros, retratando em sátira a ascensão do nazismo e olhando metaforicamente o progresso do …

The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter is a book by Katherine Anne Porter published by Harcourt in 1965, comprising nineteen "short stories and long stories", as Porter herself would say. It won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the U.S. National Book Award for Fiction. Collected Stories, in addition to four …

Pale Horse, Pale Rider is a collection of three short novels by American author Katherine Anne Porter published in 1939. While these three short novels "Old Mortality," "Noon Wine" and the eponymous "Pale Horse, Pale Rider," have been described as novellas, Ms Porter referred to them as short novels. Ms Porter, in the …