image of Kazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo Ishiguro

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In his, highly acclaimed debut, A PALE VIEW OF HILLS, Kazuo Ishiguro tells the story of Etsuko, a Japanese woman now living alone in England, dwelling on the recent suicide of her daughter. Retreating into the past, she finds herself reliving one particular hot summer in Nagasaki, when she and her friends struggled to …

... Unknown

When We Were Orphans is the fifth novel by the British-Japanese author Kazuo Ishiguro, published in 2000. It is loosely categorised as a detective novel. When We Were Orphans was shortlisted for the 2000 Man Booker Prize, though it is considered one of Ishiguro's weakest works, with Ishiguro himself saying "It's not …

... Unknown

In An Artist of the Floating World, Kazuo Ishiguro offers readers of the English language an authentic look at postwar Japan, "a floating world" of changing cultural behaviors, shifting societal patterns and troubling questions. Ishiguro, who was born in Nagasaki in 1954 but moved to England in 1960, writes the story …

... Unknown

Never Let Me Go är en roman författad av Kazuo Ishiguro 2005. Den filmatiserades år 2010.

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Återstoden av dagen är en roman författad av Kazuo Ishiguro 1989, samt publicerad på svenska 1990 i en översättning av Annika Preis. Den fick 1990 års Bookerpris, och filmades 1993 med Anthony Hopkins och Emma Thompson i huvudrollerna. Filmen nominerades till åtta Oscars.