Lie Down with Lions is a 1985 spy novel by Ken Follett. The book was published by Signet in paperback. Today it is available in print, CD and audiobook formats. In 1994 it was made into a TV miniseries directed by Jim Goddard and starring Timothy Dalton and Marg Helgenberger that received mixed reviews.

Maailma vailla loppua on Ken Follettin kirjoittama historiallinen romaani, joka on epäsuorasti jatkoa Taivaan pilarit -kirjalle. Kirja sijoittuu 1300-luvulle Englantiin ruton ja satavuotisen sodan aikoihin. Edellisosan tapaan kirjassa seurataan useiden eri henkilöiden elämää, heidän kasvamistaan ja kohtaloitaan. Aivan …

"Ken Follett has done it once more . . . goes down with the ease and impact of a well-prepared martini." —New York Times Book ReviewHis name was Feliks. He came to London to commit a murder that would change history. A master manipulator, he had many weapons at his command, but against him were ranged the whole of the …