Taivaan pilarit on Ken Follettin kirjoittama historiallinen jännitysromaani vuodelta 1989. Taivaan pilarit sijoittuu 1100-luvun puolivälin Englantiin. Romaani käy läpi noin puolivuosisataisen ajanjakson Englannin historiaa Valkoisen laivan uppoamisesta Canterburyn arkkipiispan Thomas Becketin murhaan. Teoksessa …

#1 bestselling author Ken Follett tells the inspiring true story of the Middle East hostage crisis that began in 1978, and of the unconventional means one American used to save his countrymen. . . . When two of his employees were held hostage in a heavily guarded prison fortress in Iran, one man took matters into his …

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, a thrilling and addictive new novel--a prequel to The Pillars of the Earth--set in England at the dawn of a new era: the Middle Ages It is 997 CE, the end of the Dark Ages. England is facing attacks from the Welsh in the west and the Vikings in the east. Those in power …