Jordens søjler er en roman af Ken Follett, der udkom i 1989 i England med originaltitlen: The Pillars of the Earth. Den handler om opførelsen af en katedral i Kingsbridge, en fiktiv by i England. Denne har de eksisterende katedraler i Wells og Salisbury som forlæg. Handlingen er henlagt til midten af 1100-tallet, …

In this “epic” (The Denver Post) sequel to The Pillars of the Earth, it is now two centuries after the townspeople of Kingsbridge have finished building its exquisite Gothic cathedral. And on a cold November day, four children slip into the forest and witness a killing—an event that will braid their lives together by …

Eye of the Needle is a spy thriller novel written by Welsh author Ken Follett. It was originally published in 1978 by the Penguin Group under the title Storm Island. This novel was Follett's first successful, bestselling effort as a novelist, and it earned him the 1979 Edgar Award for Best Novel from the Mystery …

Giganternes fald er en roman af den walisiskfødte forfatter Ken Follett. Det er første bind i en trilogi om det 20. århundrede. Handlingen er bygget op om fem indbyrdes forbundne familier, og i dette første bind udspiller handlingen sig i perioden fra 1911 til 1924. Familiernes skæbne er indrammet af de store …

Whiteout is a thriller novel written by British author Ken Follett about the theft of a deadly virus from a lab in snow-covered Scotland.

A Dangerous Fortune was written by British author Ken Follett in 1993. The story is set against the backdrop of collapse of a bank in 1892. The book also features Follett's first female villain, the domineering, sexy and unscrupulous Augusta.

Jackdaws is a World War II spy thriller written by British novelist Ken Follett. It was published in hardcover format in 2001 by the Macmillan. It was reissued as a paperback book by Signet Books in 2002.

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Using a restricted FBI database, genetic researcher Jeanie Ferrami has located identical twins born to different mothers. Frightened by her bizarre discovery, she is determined to discover the truth at any cost—until she finds herself at the center of a scandal that could ruin her career. To …

The Key to Rebecca is a novel by British author Ken Follett. Published in 1980 by Pan Books, it was a noted bestseller that achieved popularity both in the United Kingdom and worldwide. The code mentioned in the title is an intended throwback from Follett to Daphne du Maurier's famed suspense novel Rebecca.

Nat over havet er en roman fra 1991 skrevet af den engelske forfatter Ken Follett. Den beskriver en række personer, som under 2. verdenskrig gør sig klar til at flygte ud af England med luksusflyet, Clipperen, der vil bringe dem til USA. Vi møder fascisten lord Percy Oxenford og hans familie, tyven Harry Marks, der …