image of Ken MacLeod

Ken MacLeod

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Cosmonaut Keep, a science fiction novel by Ken MacLeod. It is the first novel in the Engines of Light Trilogy, a 2001 nominee for the Arthur C. Clarke Award, and a 2002 Hugo Award Nominee for best novel. In Cosmonaut Keep, MacLeod makes fleeting reference to a future programmers union called the "Information Workers …

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The Cassini Division is a book written by Ken MacLeod.

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The Star Fraction is Ken MacLeod's first novel, published in 1995. The major themes are radical political thinking, a functional anarchist microstate, oppression, and revolution. The action takes place in a balkanized UK, about halfway into the 21st century. The novel was nominated for the Arthur C. Clarke Award in …

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Learning the World is a science fiction novel by Ken MacLeod published in 2005. It won the 2006 Prometheus Award, was nominated for the Hugo, Locus, Clarke, and Campbell Awards that same year, and received a BSFA nomination in 2005. Since the book's publication MacLeod has written two short stories set in the same …

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The Stone Canal is a book written by Ken MacLeod.

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Vânătorii de fulgere de Ken MacLeod este un roman science fiction publicat în 2004 în Marea Britanie, iar în 2006 și în România, la editura Tritonic, în traducerea lui Mihai Samoilă. Acțiunea romanului se petrece în secolul 24 și descrie viața omenirii după un cataclism tehnologic, deși cu oarecare elemente satirice. …

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Dark Light is a science fiction novel by Ken MacLeod. It is the second novel in the Engines of Light Trilogy and a 2002 nominee for the Campbell Award. The novel continues the plot from Cosmonaut Keep, but this time is set on the "Second Sphere", a number of clustered solar systems artificially seeded with intelligent …

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The Execution Channel is an alternate history science fiction novel by Ken MacLeod, which focuses on the early decades of the 21st century. The military of the United States of America and some of its allies have conducted a war on terror for some time and additional terrorist acts have continued, including an …

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The Sky Road is a book written by Ken MacLeod.

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Engine City is a science fiction novel by Ken MacLeod. It is the third novel in the Engines of Light Trilogy. The novel follows on from Dark Light and is also set in the "Second Sphere", primarily in the city of Nova Babylonia, the plot centering around the arrival of humans from the edge of the sphere offering …