A major new epic begins featuring Winged Victory, Samaritan, and the Confessor, three of Astro City's most popular heroes. When criminal charges are brought against Winged Victory, the Confessor must investigate and it leads to open combat with Samaritan! Can Astro City's three greatest heroes find a way to work …

The son of a superhero must choose his future. A lawyer faces challenges far beyond any human court. A long-forgotten villain has a chance at finding new glory. And a cat may be the difference between life and death for a frightened child. Heroes…all around you. In Astro City, where the general public walks side by …

Kurt Busiek's critically acclaimed series continues here in ASTRO CITY VOL. 14! In this two-part graphic novel, first a look in at Steeljack--from "The Tarnished Angel," one of ASTRO CITY's most popular stories--and how he's been getting by the last few years. When he's hired by a femme fatale from his past, he'll …

A monster's-eye-view of heroes, fear, battle and more, as the Living Nightmare--the embodiment of fear itself--goes up against the Honor Guard, and all its secrets come to light. This is a story that could change the team forever. And half of them just got new costumes, too. Meanwhile, Starfighter has been enjoying a …

Astro City, after dark: What becomes of the world of wonders—of noble heroes and sinister villains—once the sun retreats? Walk the night streets of Astro City to discover the secrets of the reclusive Confessor—and face a crisis that could destroy the city and everyone in it. After leaving his rural home and working …

“Another instant classic.”—IGN A deep dive into Astro City’s history, from comics masters Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson and Alex Ross. Music hath charms. The song of the Broken Man, Astro City’s most mysterious figure, is revealed at last. From the Old West to the Roaring Twenties, the Swinging Sixties and beyond, …