《第五号屠宰场》是美国作家克尔特·冯内果的小说作品,于1969年出版,也是他生涯的代表作之一。1945年,德累斯顿遭到大轰炸时,冯内果本人正巧身在德国,他与其他战俘一起,在第五号屠宰场地贮存兽肉的地窖里捱过了一夜,逃避了头顶上的一场狂轰滥炸。二次大战的亲身经历,衍生了这部史上以来最伟大的反战书之一,所以是根据他在德累斯顿大轰炸的真实经历而成的作品。 …

A Man Without a Country is an essay collection published in 2005 by the author Kurt Vonnegut. The extremely short essays that make up this book deal with topics ranging from the importance of humor, to problems with modern technology, to Vonnegut's opinions on the differences between men and women. Most prevalent in …

NATIONAL BESTSELLER Foreward by Dave Eggers These previously unpublished, beautifully rendered works of fiction are a testament to Kurt Vonnegut’s unique blend of observation and imagination. Here are stories of men and machines, art and artifice, and how ideals of fortune, fame, and love take curious twists in …

Welcome to the Monkey House is an assortment of short stories written by Kurt Vonnegut, first published in August 1968. The stories range from war-time epics to futuristic thrillers, given with satire and Vonnegut's unique edge. The stories are often inter-twined and convey the same underlying messages on human nature …