It's Morphin Time! Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers make their BOOM! Studios comic debut in this kick-off #0 issue, which sets the stage for the rest of the series. After escaping Rita Repulsa's mind control, Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger, joins up with the rest of the Power Rangers to combat her never-ending …

A New York Times Best Seller!As a part of the acclaimed DC Comics - The New 52 event of September 2011, Dick Grayson flies high once more as Nightwing in a new series from hot new writer Kyle Higgins (BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM) and artist Eddy Barrows (SUPERMAN)!Haley's Circus, the big top where Dick once performed, …

A New York Times Best Seller!Dick Grayson must face his past and a deadly adversary in the present as he learns of his connection to the mysterious Court of Owls. But even if he's able to stop an undead, unstoppable assassin, he'll still have to deal with the rising forces of the anti-Gotham City army and its leader …