Zdradzona rewolucja - książka Lwa Trockiego z 1937, krytyczna analiza rozwoju gospodarczego i społecznego ZSRR po dojściu do władzy Stalina. Jedna z najważniejszych prac teoretycznych ruchu trockistowskiego.

The History of the Russian Revolution by Leon Trotsky is a 3 volume book on the Russian Revolution of 1917, first published in 1930, translated into English by Max Eastman in 1932. The three parts are: The Overthrow of Tzarism, The Attempted Counter-Revolution and The Triumph of the Soviets. It is considered an …

A Pathfinder upgraded edition. The propertied classes have always laid the charge of "terrorism" on those leading the struggle against exploitation and oppression. But it has been the terror of the capitalist rulers against which an outraged majority eventually rises. Trotsky explains why the working class is the only …