The Affair is the sixteenth book in the Jack Reacher series written by Lee Child but is a prequel set chronologically before most of them. It was published on 29 September 2011 in the United Kingdom and was published on 27 September 2011 in the USA. The Affair is a prequel set six months before Child's first novel, …

The prequel, The Enemy, is the eighth book in the Jack Reacher series written by Lee Child. It is narrated in the first person.

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Lee Child returns with a gripping new powerhouse thriller featuring Jack Reacher, “one of this century’s most original, tantalizing pop-fiction heroes” (The Washington Post).BONUS: Includes a sneak peek of Lee Child’s new novel, Past Tense. Reacher takes a stroll through a small …

Umrzeć próbując – druga powieść serii z Jackiem Reacherem, napisana przez brytyjskiego pisarza Lee Childa. Po raz pierwszy powieść ukazała się w Stanach Zjednoczonych w lipcu 1998 r. Pierwsze polskie wydanie ukazało się nakładem wydawnictwa ISA w 2004 roku.

Amazon Best Books of the Month, October 2010: You'd think that after 14 novels featuring hardscrabble hero, Jack Reacher, Lee Child's pulse-pounding series would start showing signs of wear. It is nothing short of remarkable that Child is not only able to continually reinvent his ex-military cop, but that each …