SS Lontoo on Len Deightonin rikosromaani vuodelta 1978. Kertomus sijoittuu vaihtoehtoiseen historiaan, jossa natsi-Saksa on ollut voittoisa toisessa maailmansodassa ja miehittää Britanniaa.

Berlin Game is a 1983 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the first novel in the first of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service. Berlin Game is part of the Game, Set and Match trilogy, being succeeded by Mexico Set …

Len Deighton’s classic first novel, whose protagonist is a nameless spy – later christened Harry Palmer and made famous worldwide in the iconic 1960s film starring Michael Caine.The Ipcress File was not only Len Deighton’s first novel, it was his first bestseller and the book that broke the mould of thriller …

Mexico Set is a 1984 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the second novel in the first of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service. Mexico Set is part of the Game, Set and Match trilogy, being preceded by Berlin Game …

Spy Hook is a 1988 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the first novel in the second of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service. Spy Hook is part of the Hook, Line and Sinker trilogy, being succeeded by Spy Line and …

London Match is a 1985 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the concluding novel in the first of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service. London Match is part of the Game, Set and Match trilogy, being preceded by Berlin …

Spy Line is a 1989 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the second novel in the second of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service. Spy Line is part of the Hook, Line and Sinker trilogy, being preceded by Spy Hook and …

Spy Sinker is a 1990 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the final novel in the second of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service. Spy Sinker is part of the Hook, Line and Sinker trilogy, being preceded by Spy Hook and …

The classic novel of the Second World War that relates in devastating detail the 24-hour story of an allied bombing raid.Bomber is a novel war. There are no victors, no vanquished. There are simply those who remain alive, and those who die.Bomber follows the progress of an Allied air raid through a period of …

Hautajaiset Berliinissä on Len Deightonin vakoiluromaani vuodelta 1964. Juhani Jaskarin suomennos ilmestyi 1965. Romaanin aihe on neuvostoliittolaisen tieteilijän loikkaus länteen. Sivujuonteena on homoseksuaalisuus. Kirjan pohjalta on 1966 tehty elokuva Hautajaiset Berliinissä, jonka on ohjannut Guy Hamilton ja jossa …