image of Leon Uris

Leon Uris

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Leon Uris retums to the land of his acclaimed best-seller Exodus for an epic story of hate and love, vengeance and forgiveness and forgiveness. The Middle East is the powerful setting for this sweeping tale of a land where revenge is sacred and hatred noble. Where an Arab ruler tries to save his people from …

... Unknown

In Queen's Bench Courtroom Number Seven, famous author Abraham Cady stands trial. In his book The Holocaust --born of the terrible revelation that the Jadwiga Concentration camp was the site of his family's extermination--Cady shook the consciousness of the human race. He also named eminent surgeon Sir Adam Kelno as …

... Unknown

Mila 18 is a novel by Leon Uris set in German-occupied Warsaw, Poland, before and during World War II. Mila 18 debuted at #7 on The New York Times Best Seller List and peaked at #2 in August 1961. Leon Uris's work, based on real events, covers the Nazi occupation of Poland and the atrocities of systematically …

... Unknown

Trinity: roman om Irland av Leon Uris kom ut 1976 och översattes samma år till svenska av Anna Pyk. Verket är uppdelat i två böcker: Röd gryning, ISBN 91-20-04773-8, pocketutgåvan 1996, ISBN 91-1-963491-9. Upproret, ISBN 91-20-05813-6, pocketutgåva 1996, ISBN 91-1-963501-X. Dessa handlar om konflikten på Irland under …

... Unknown

Exodus är en roman skriven 1958 av den amerikanske romanförfattaren Leon Uris om bildandet av staten Israel, baserad på namnet immigrationsskeppet Exodus.