A God in Ruins is a 1999 novel by Leon Uris. Set between the 1940s and 2008, the book follows the life of Quinn Patrick O'Connell, the fictional Democratic candidate for the 2008 United States Presidency, his family, and the life of his opponent, Thornton Tomtree. The book climaxes with the election campaign and its …

The Angry Hills is a novel written by the American novelist Leon Uris. It was adapted into a motion picture by the same name in 1959. Michael "Mike" Morrison is an American author and recent widower who is in Greece during World War II to receive an inheritance. When everything is almost finished, the Greek lawyer …

Armageddon, or Armageddon: A Novel of Berlin, is a novel by Leon Uris about post-World War II Berlin and Germany. The novel starts in London during WWII, and goes through to the Four Power occupation of Berlin and the Soviet blockade by land of the city's western boroughs. The description of the Berlin Airlift is …

Battle Cry is a novel by American writer Leon Uris, published in 1953. Many of the events in the book are based on Uris's own World War II experience with the 6th Marine Regiment. The story is largely told in first person from the viewpoint of the Battalion Communications Chief, "Mac," although it frequently shifts to …

Exodus é o nome de um romance escrito por Leon Uris, e publicado em 1958, nos Estados Unidos. O livro trata da história do navio Exodus, usado por judeus fugitivos do Holocausto, em 1947, que foram da Europa em direção à Palestina. O livro “Exodus” é um romance épico de Leon Uris que deu origem ao famoso filme de 1960 …

Mila 18 é um romance de Leon Uris que se passa em Varsóvia, na Polónia, antes e durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O trabalho de Leon Uris, baseado em eventos reais, cobre a ocupação Nazi da Polónia e as atrocidades desumanas que visavam eliminar sistematicamente o povo judeu da Polónia. O nome "Mila 18" é tirado do …