image of Leon Uris

Leon Uris

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A God in Ruins is a 1999 novel by Leon Uris. Set between the 1940s and 2008, the book follows the life of Quinn Patrick O'Connell, the fictional Democratic candidate for the 2008 United States Presidency, his family, and the life of his opponent, Thornton Tomtree. The book climaxes with the election campaign and its …

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Exodus on yhdysvaltalaisen Leon Urisin vuonna 1958 julkaistu romaani, joka kertoo Israelin valtion synnystä. Romaanin nimi pohjautuu osittain samannimiseen juutalaispakolaisia Palestiinaan kuljettaneen Exodus-laivan tarinaan. Kirjasta on vuonna 1960 tehty samanniminen elokuvasovitus.

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Leon Uris retums to the land of his acclaimed best-seller Exodus for an epic story of hate and love, vengeance and forgiveness and forgiveness. The Middle East is the powerful setting for this sweeping tale of a land where revenge is sacred and hatred noble. Where an Arab ruler tries to save his people from …

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Armageddon, or Armageddon: A Novel of Berlin, is a novel by Leon Uris about post-World War II Berlin and Germany. The novel starts in London during WWII, and goes through to the Four Power occupation of Berlin and the Soviet blockade by land of the city's western boroughs. The description of the Berlin Airlift is …

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Kolmiyhteys on Leon Urisin vuonna 1976 julkaisema kirja. Kirja kertoo Irlannin kamppailusta itsenäisyyden saamiseksi ja saaren yhdistämiseksi vuosien 1840 ja 1916 välillä eri perheiden, kuten katolisten Larkinien ja O'Neillien sekä protestanttisten Hubblejen ja MacLeodien, näkökulmasta. Takaumissa kerrotaan myös …

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Redemption is a novel by author Leon Uris. It is a sequel to his epic 1976 book, Trinity. Set mainly in the first half of the twentieth century in the years leading to the Irish Easter Rising, it tells the stories of the Irish revolutionary Conor Larkin's family, his brothers Liam and Dary, and Liam's son Rory. After …