In Queen's Bench Courtroom Number Seven, famous author Abraham Cady stands trial. In his book The Holocaust --born of the terrible revelation that the Jadwiga Concentration camp was the site of his family's extermination--Cady shook the consciousness of the human race. He also named eminent surgeon Sir Adam Kelno as …

Armageddon, or Armageddon: A Novel of Berlin, is a novel by Leon Uris about post-World War II Berlin and Germany. The novel starts in London during WWII, and goes through to the Four Power occupation of Berlin and the Soviet blockade by land of the city's western boroughs. The description of the Berlin Airlift is …

Leon Uris retums to the land of his acclaimed best-seller Exodus for an epic story of hate and love, vengeance and forgiveness and forgiveness. The Middle East is the powerful setting for this sweeping tale of a land where revenge is sacred and hatred noble. Where an Arab ruler tries to save his people from …

Az Exodus Leon Uris 1958-as regénye, amely Palesztina és a zsidóság XIX-XX. századi történelmével foglalkozik, elbeszélve Izrael Állam létrejöttének és a zsidó holokausztnak a történetét is.

The Angry Hills is a novel written by the American novelist Leon Uris. It was adapted into a motion picture by the same name in 1959. Michael "Mike" Morrison is an American author and recent widower who is in Greece during World War II to receive an inheritance. When everything is almost finished, the Greek lawyer …