Kauniit häviäjät on Leonard Cohenin kirjoittama romaani, joka ilmestyi vuonna 1966. Romaani on kanadalaisen kirjoittajansa toinen, ja se sijoittuu aikaan ennen hänen uraansa laulaja-lauluntekijänä. Suomeksi romaani julkaistiin vuonna 2003 Helena Lohtajan kääntämänä. Romaanin minäkertoja on intiaanitutkija, jolla on …

Kaipauksen kirja on Leonard Cohenin vuonna 2006 ilmestynyt runokokoelma. Teoksen on suomentanut Ville-Juhani Sutinen ja julkaissut suomeksi Sammakko vuonna 2008.

The Favourite Game is the first novel by Leonard Cohen. It was first published by Secker and Warburg in the fall of 1963. In 1959, Cohen was awarded a $2,000 Canada Council grant, which he used to live cheaply in London and on the Greek island of Hydra while he wrote the novel, then titled Beauty at Close Quarters. …

Stranger Music is a 1993 book by Leonard Cohen. It compiles many of his published poems, as well as the lyrics to his songs.

The Spice-Box of Earth is Canadian poet and songwriter Leonard Cohen's second collection of poetry. It was first published in 1961 by McClelland and Stewart, when Cohen was 27 years old. The book brought the poet a measure of early literary acclaim. One of Cohen's biographers, Ira Nadel, stated that "reaction to the …

Kaipauksen kirja on Leonard Cohenin vuonna 2006 ilmestynyt runokokoelma. Teoksen on suomentanut Ville-Juhani Sutinen ja julkaissut suomeksi Sammakko vuonna 2008.

Published in 1956 to immediate acclaim, Leonard Cohen’s first published book contains poems written between the ages of fifteen and twenty. Now new generations of readers will rediscover not only the early, though no less accomplished and passionate, work of one of our most beloved writers, but poetry that resonates …