image of Lūiss Kerols

Lūiss Kerols

... Unknown

The Annotated Alice is a work by Martin Gardner incorporating the text of Lewis Carroll's major tales: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass as well as the original illustrations by John Tenniel. It has extensive annotations explaining the contemporary references, mathematical concepts, word …

... Unknown

I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole ...without the least idea what was to happen afterwards,' wrote Charles Dodgson, describing how Alice was conjured up one 'golden afternoon' in 1862 to entertain his child-friend Alice Liddell. His dream worlds of nonsensical Wonderland and the back-to-front …

... Unknown

"Alises piedzīvojumi Brīnumzemē" ir 1865. gadā izdots angļu rakstnieka Lūisa Kerola romāns. Stāsts ir par meiteni vārdā Alise, kas iekrīt fantāziju pasaulē, kurā dzīvo savdabīgi, persoficēti radījumi. Šis darbs tiek uzskatīts par vienu no labākajiem bezjēdzīgās literatūras žanra paraugiem. Grāmatas tēli, struktūra, …