Beaten up, tattered, and weather worn, this volume has crossed through space to become the first extra-terrestrial comic book in print on earth. The language and even the alphabet are alien, but as human readers will soon discover, the themes and stories are universal. These interwoven stories and vignettes start out …

Herbert’s fictitious Princess in distress to lure more hapless warriors to the Dungeon turns out to be all too real and quite a handful!

The planet Terra Amata, on which Dungeon resides, has stopped turning. On one side, total darkness and absolute coldness; on the other, a searing desert and eternal day. The survivors live on a thin slice of earth where day and night meet. A territory known as TWILIGHT. Marvin, now old and blind, sensing his end, goes …

Lapinot, Richard, Titi et Pierrot partent investir un chalet et ses pistes de ski, désertées par les touristes apeurés : un loup meurtrier rôderait la nuit dans la poudreuse. Dans une ambiance Les bronzés font du ski tirant sur la prise de conscience du passage à l'âge adulte, Lewis Trondheim signe en 1993 avec …