Ana Karenina je roman, ki ga je napisal Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj. Govori o tragični ljubezni z ministrom Kareninom poročene Ane Karenine in častnika Vronskega . Roman je izhajal med leti 1873 in 1877 v žurnalu Ruski glasnik in spada med najpomembnejša Tolstojeva dela.

Vojna in mir je roman, ki ga je napisal ruski pisatelj Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj. Govori o ruski družbi v času Napoleona. Pojmujemo ga za enega največjih romanov vseh časov. Roman je prvič izšel med letoma 1865 in 1869 v reviji Ruskij vestnik. Najprej je izšel odlomek z naslovom Leto 1805, leta 1868 so izšli trije …

Leo Tolstoy combined detailed physical description with perceptive psychological insight to sweep aside the sham of surface appearances and lay bare man's intimate gestures, acts, and thoughts. Murder and sacrifice...greed and devotion...lust and affection...vanity and love -- one by one, in this volume of great …

Serving on a jury at the trial of a prostitute arrested for murder, Prince Nekhlyudov is horrified to discover that the accused is a woman he had once loved, seduced and then abandoned when she was a young servant girl. Racked with guilt at realizing he was the cause of her ruin, he determines to appeal for her …

Vojna in mir je roman, ki ga je napisal ruski pisatelj Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj. Govori o ruski družbi v času Napoleona. Pojmujemo ga za enega največjih romanov vseh časov. Roman je prvič izšel med letoma 1865 in 1869 v reviji Ruskij vestnik. Najprej je izšel odlomek z naslovom Leto 1805, leta 1868 so izšli trije …

When Marshal of the Nobility Pozdnyshev suspects his wife of having an affair with her music partner, his jealousy consumes him and drives him to murder. Controversial upon publication in 1890, The Kreutzer Sonata illuminates Tolstoy’s then-feverish Christian ideals, his conflicts with lust and the hypocrisies of …

Ana Karenina je roman, ki ga je napisal Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj. Govori o tragični ljubezni z ministrom Kareninom poročene Ane Karenine in častnika Vronskega . Roman je izhajal med leti 1873 in 1877 v žurnalu Ruski glasnik in spada med najpomembnejša Tolstojeva dela.

The Kreutzer Sonata is a novella by Leo Tolstoy, named after Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata. The novella was published in 1889 and promptly censored by the Russian authorities. The work is an argument for the ideal of sexual abstinence and an in-depth first-person description of jealous rage. The main character, …