When the Green Star Calls, published in 1973, is the second novel in Lin Carter's Green Star Series, starting after the first novel, Under the Green Star, finished. The unnamed narrator once again thrusts his soul towards the Green Star. On the way, he passes over the moon and sees an iron pillar in a crater.
Imaginary Worlds: the Art of Fantasy is a study of the modern literary fantasy genre written by Lin Carter. It was first published in paperback by Ballantine Books in June, 1973 as the fifty-eighth volume of its celebrated Ballantine Adult Fantasy series; it was the only nonfiction entry in the series. The book was …
Jandar of Callisto is a science fiction novel written by Lin Carter, the first in his Callisto series. It was first published in paperback by Dell Books in December 1972, and reprinted twice through September 1977. The first British edition was published by Orbit Books in 1974. It was later gathered together with …
The Wizard of Lemuria is a fantasy novel written by Lin Carter, the first book of his Thongor series set on the fictional ancient lost continent of Lemuria. The author's first published novel, it was initially issued in paperback by Ace Books in 1965. The author afterwards revised and expanded the text, in which form …