Under the Green Star, published first by DAW Books in 1972, was the first of Lin Carter's Green Star Series of science-fiction/fantasy novels. The story is told from the point of an unnamed first-person narrator who is 30 years old, very wealthy but crippled, and who knows some eastern arts including soul casting.
Lin Carter introduces readers to Tolkien's epic trilogy then takes them on a scholarly yet populist journey through the massive web of myths and legends that Tolkien drew on for both imagery and themes during his life's work. Carter's book places Tolkien's trilogy in the context of world mythology and legend and is a …
Thongor of Lemuria is a fantasy novel written by Lin Carter, the second book of his Thongor series set on the fictional ancient lost continent of Lemuria. It was first published in paperback by Ace Books in 1966. The author afterwards revised and expanded the text, in which form it was reissued as Thongor and the …