image of Lois McMaster Bujold

Lois McMaster Bujold

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*Updated Chronology! MIRA'S LAST DANCE is now Book 5 in the Penric & Desdemona series*In this sequel to the novella “Penric’s Mission”, the injured Penric, a Temple sorcerer and learned divine, tries to guide the betrayed General Arisaydia and his widowed sister Nikys across the last hundred miles of hostile …

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Paladin of Souls is a 2003 fantasy novel by Lois McMaster Bujold.

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Pamćenje je znanstveno fantastična priča koju je napisala Lois McMaster Bujold. Milesov posljednji tajni zadatak nije baš dobro završio. Napadaji koji nalikuju epileptičkim ne prestaju već su se još i pogoršali tako da je Miles prisiljen napustiti vojničku karijeru. Ipak spletke i napadi iskrsavaju iza svakog ugla, a …

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"Penric's Fox": a Penric & Desdemona novella in the World of the Five Gods. Book 3.Some eight months after the events of “Penric and the Shaman”, Learned Penric, sorcerer and scholar, travels to Easthome, the capital of the Weald. There he again meets his friends Shaman Inglis and Locator Oswyl. When the body of a …

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*Updated Chronology! PENRIC'S MISSION is now Book 4 in the Penric & Desdemona series.*In his thirtieth year, Penric fell in love with light...Learned Penric, a sorcerer and divine of the Bastard’s Order, travels across the sea to sunlit Cedonia on his first covert diplomatic mission, to attempt to secure the …

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Ples zrcala je znanstveno fantastična priča koju je napisala Lois McMaster Bujold. Miles je ubijen pri početku ove priče i glavni pokretač radnje je njegov brat klon Mark. Knjiga je objavljena 1994. godine, osvojila je nagradu Hugo za najbolju kratku priču 1995. godine.