image of Louis Sachar

Louis Sachar

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Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School is a children's novel by Louis Sachar in the Sideways Stories From Wayside School series. The book primarily contains mathematical and logical puzzles for the reader to solve.

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The summer after junior year of high school looks bleak for Alton Richards. His girlfriend has dumped him, he has no money and no job, and his parents insist that he drive his great-uncle Lester, who is old, blind, very sick, and very rich, to his bridge club four times a week and be his cardturner. But Alton's …

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Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger is a 1995 children's book by American author Louis Sachar, and the third book in his Sideways Stories From Wayside School series.

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There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom is a juvenile fiction book from the author Louis Sachar. The title comes from a point when a character, Jeff, accidentally enters the girl's bathroom while trying to go to the school counselor's office and is horribly embarrassed by it.

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Wayside School is Falling Down is an 1989 children's novel by American author Louis Sachar, and the second book in his Wayside School series. Like its predecessor, it contains 30 chapters, although some chapters are interconnected in a more narrative form rather than as separate stories, as is the case for its …

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Small Steps is a 2006 novel for young adults by Louis Sachar, first published by Delacorte Books. It is the sequel to Holes, although the main character of Holes, Stanley Yelnats, is not in it.

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Sideways Stories from Wayside School is a 1978 children's novel by American author Louis Sachar, and the first book in the Wayside School series.

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Ett hål om dagen är en ungdomsroman från 1998 av Louis Sachar. Romanen blev 2003 filmatiserad av produktionsbolaget Walt Disney Pictures, med Shia LaBeouf i huvudrollen.