"Dazzling. . . . A hard-won love letter to readers and to booksellers, as well as a compelling story about how we cope with pain and fear, injustice and illness. One good way is to press a beloved book into another's hands. Read The Sentence and then do just that."—USA Today, Four StarsIn this New York Times …

Louise Erdrich and Michael Dorris, the most prominent writers of Native American descent, collaborate on all their works. In these interviews, conducted both separately and jointly, they discuss how their writing moves from conception to completion and how The Beet Queen, Tracks, A Yellow Raft in Blue Water, and The …

WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE IN FICTION 2021NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERIt is 1953. Thomas Wazhushk is the night watchman at the first factory to open near the Turtle Mountain Reservation in rural North Dakota. He is also a prominent Chippewa Council member, trying to understand a new bill that is soon to be put before …

Pub Date: 2013-09-24 Pages: 368 Language: English Publisher: HarperCollins Washington Post Best Book of the YearNew York Times Notable BookOne Sunday in the spring of 1988. a woman living on a reservation in North Dakota is attacked The details of. the crime are slow to surface because Geraldine Coutts is traumatized …