Anne på Grönkulla är en roman av Lucy Maud Montgomery som ursprungligen publicerades 1908 av L.C. Page & Co. och är den första delen i Anne på Grönkulla-serien. Den har även utgivits på svenska under titeln Anne på Gröntorpa.

Vår vän Anne är Lucy Maud Montgomerys andra bok i serien om Anne på Grönkulla, första gången publicerad 1909. Den finns även i svensk översättning som Anne växer upp.

Drömmens uppfyllelse är Lucy Maud Montgomerys tredje bok i serien om Anne på Grönkulla, första gången publicerad 1915. Anne flyttar till Kingsport för att studera, väl där möter hon både gamla och nya vänner. Äventyr, uppvaktande kavaljerer och studier fyller Annes tid men till slut får hon klarhet i vem det är som …

Drömslottet är Lucy Maud Montgomerys tredje bok i serien om Anne på Grönkulla, första gången publicerad 1917. En vacker höstdag står Anne brud i Grönkullas trädgård. Hon och Gilbert sätter sedan bo i det lilla vita huset mellan Glen S:t Mary och Fyra vindars udde. Som läkarhustru får Anne möta många nya …

Anne is the mother of five, with never a dull moment in her lively home. And now with a new baby on the way and insufferable Aunt Mary Maria visiting -- and wearing out her welcome -- Anne's life is full to bursting. Still Mrs. Doctor can't think of any place she'd rather be than her own beloved Ingleside. Until the …

Anne Shirley has left Redmond College behind to begin a new job and a new chapter of her life away from Green Gables. Now she faces a new challenge: the Pringles. They're known as the royal family of Summerside - and they quickly let Anne know she is not the person they had wanted as principal of Summerside High …

Anne's children were almost grown up, except for pretty, high-spirited Rilla. No one could resist her bright hazel eyes and dazzling smile. Rilla, almost fifteen, can't think any further ahead than going to her very first dance at the Four Winds lighthouse and getting her first kiss from handsome Kenneth Ford. But …

Lucy Montgomery (1874 - 1942) was a Canadian author best known for her series of books beginning with Anne of Green Gables. Her warm understanding of human nature and a love of the countryside are apparent in her stories. A new Presbyterian minister with four motherless children comes to Glen St. Mary. The children, …

Emily of New Moon is the first in a series of novels by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Similar to her earlier and more famous Anne of Green Gables series, the Emily novels depicted life through the eyes of a young orphan girl, Emily Starr, who is raised by her relatives after her father dies of consumption. The series was less …