Firefly Summer is a 1987 novel by Irish author Maeve Binchy. The plot revolves around the life of a rural Irish town, Mountfern, between the years of 1963 and 1966. Patrick O'Neill, an Irish-American businessman, settles with his children in "the land of his ancestors" in order to build a luxury hotel on the site of a …
Heart and Soul is a 2008 novel by Irish novelist Maeve Binchy, about "a heart failure clinic" in Dublin and the people involved with it. Several characters from Binchy's previous novels, including Evening Class, Scarlet Feather, Quentins, and Whitethorn Woods, make appearances. Binchy, who "suffered a health crisis …
Whether it's the sudden snapping of bonds between lovers or shopping on Oxford Street, Maeve Binchy finds the unexpected truth in experiences so real that every woman will recognize them. Filled with her delicious humor and warmth, the twenty-two stories in London Transports will delight and captivate as they take us …