The Kiss of Death is a novel written by Marcus Sedgwick, and the sequel to My Swordhand is Singing. It is based in 18th Century Venice, and follows the story of a young boy called Marco, who is searching for his father who has gone missing. Soon enough, old adversaries emerge.
A LOADED GUN. STOLEN GOLD. And a menacing stranger. A taut frontier survivor story, set at the time of the Alaska gold rush.In an isolated cabin, fourteen-year-old Sig is alone with a corpse: his father, who has fallen through the ice and frozen to death only hours earlier. Then comes a stranger claiming that Sig's …
Prize-winning author Marcus Sedgwick explores obsession, trust and coincidence in this page-turning thriller about 16-year-old Laureth Peak's mission to find her missing father. A mission made all the more difficult by one fact: Laureth Peak is blind.Laureth's father is a writer. For years he's been trying, and …
Timeless, beautiful, and haunting, spirals connect four episodes, from prehistory through the far future, in this Michael L. Printz Honor Book. In prehistory, a girl picks up a charred stick and makes the first written signs. Tens of centuries later, the treacherous waters of Golden Beck take Anna, who people call a …