This collection of seventy-three poems includes poems culled from "Two Headed Poems," "True Stories," and "Interlunar," as well as seventeen poems not previously published in America in book form

Morning in the Burned House is a book of poetry by Canadian author Margaret Atwood, published by McClelland and Stewart in 1995. Morning in the Burned House displays themes, interests and styles characteristic of Atwood’s poetry. These include attention to the landscape of the Canadian Shield, an air of foreboding, …

Legendary poet, novelist, and essayist Margaret Atwood gives us a surprising look at the topic of debt -- a timely subject during our current period of economic upheaval, caused by the collapse of a system of interlocking debts. Atwood proposes that debt is like air -- something we take for granted until things go …

Dancing Girls is a collection of short stories by Canadian author Margaret Atwood, originally published in 1977 by McClelland & Stewart, Toronto. It was the winner of the St. Lawrence Award for Fiction and the award of The Periodical Distributors of Canada for Short Fiction. The collection’s fourteen stories …

Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing is a non-fiction work by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. Cambridge University Press first published it in 2002. Atwood edited six lectures she gave at the 2000 Empson Lectures at the University of Cambridge into a non-fiction work on writing. In her introduction, she …

Life Before Man és una novel·la de l'escriptora canadenca Margaret Atwood. Va ser publicada originalment el 1979. És més tradicional que els seus llibres de ficció anteriors, i se centra en una sèrie de triangles amorosos. Nate i Elisabeth són un matrimoni infeliç, i ambdós tenen aventures extramatrimonials. Lesje és …

Lady Oracle és una novel·la de l'autora canadenca Margaret Atwood, que va ser publicada originalment el 1976. És una paròdia sobre els contes de fades i les novel·les d’amor. La protagonista és una escriptora de novel·la romàntica que conta la seua vida a través de flashbacks. S'hi intercalen escenes de la infància …

The Edible Woman is a 1969 novel that helped to establish Margaret Atwood as a prose writer of major significance. It is the story of a young woman whose sane, structured, consumer-oriented world starts to slip out of focus. Following her engagement, Marian feels her body and her self are becoming separated. As Marian …

Surfacing is the second published novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. It was first published by McClelland and Stewart in 1972. It has been called a companion novel to Atwood's collection of poems, Power Politics, which was written the previous year and deals with complementary issues. The novel, grappling with …