Pe aripile vântului, publicat pentru prima oară în mai 1936, este un roman de dragoste/istoric scris de autoarea Margaret Mitchell, care a câștigat pentru acest roman Premiul Pulitzer în anul 1937. În România a fost publicat în anul 1970 de Editura Univers în colecția Romanul secolului XX.
Lost Laysen is a novella written by Margaret Mitchell in 1916, although it was not published until 1996. Mitchell, who is best known as the author of Gone with the Wind, was believed to have only written one full book during her lifetime. However, when she was 15, she had written the manuscript to Lost Laysen—a …
Recounts the love, anger, loss, and torn loyalties experienced by Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley, and the other familiar characters caught in the middle of the Civil War