Time of the Twins is a fantasy novel in the Dragonlance series written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. It is the beginning of the Dragonlance Legends Trilogy, a series detailing the journey of fictional twins, the warrior Caramon Majere and the mage Raistlin Majere, along with the cleric Crysania. The book details …
Drakvår är den femte och sista boken i fantasy-serien Draklanskrönikan. Författare är Margaret Weis och Tracy Hickman.
Now the people know that the dragon minions of Takhisis, Queen of Dragons, have returned. The people of all nations prepare to fight to save their homes, their lives, and their freedom. But the races have long been divided by hatred and prejudice. Elven warriors and human knights fight among themselves. It seems the …