
Moderato Cantabile is a novel by Marguerite Duras. It was very popular, selling half a million copies, and was the initial source of Duras's fame.

Jacket description/back: One of the most influential works in the history of cinema, Alain Renais's Hiroshima Mon Amour gathered international acclaim upon its release in 1959 and was awarded the International Critics' Prize at the Cannes Film festival and the New York Film Critics' Award. Ostensibly the story of a …

Far more daring and truthful than any of her other novels, The North China Lover is a fascinating retelling of the dramatic experiences of Duras’s adolescence that shaped her most famous work. Initially conceived as notes toward a screenplay for The Lover, this later novel, written toward the end of her life, …

《抵挡太平洋的堤坝》是法国女作家玛格丽特·杜拉斯的一部小说,也是她的成名作。小说讲述一位母亲和16岁的女儿苏珊、20几岁的儿子约瑟夫住在法属印度支那,她希望筑一座大堤,保证田地免被潮水侵蚀。苏珊结识了富有的若先生,但若先生无法赢取约瑟夫和母亲的信任。堤坝不断被冲毁,约瑟夫也远走他乡,最后母亲在绝望中死去。 …

The Malady of Death is a 1982 novella by the French writer Marguerite Duras. It tells the story of a man who pays a woman to spend several weeks with him by the sea to learn "how to love".

Written in 1944 and first published in 1985, Duras’s riveting account of life in Paris during the Nazi occupation and the first months of liberation depicts the harrowing realities of World War II–era France “with a rich conviction enhanced by [a] spare, almost arid, technique” (Julian Barnes, The Washington Post Book …

Blue Eyes, Black Hair is a 1986 novel by the French writer Marguerite Duras. It tells the story of a couple who meet by chance in a small vacation town. The man is homosexual and has recently fallen in love with a man with blue eyes and black hair. After meeting the woman at a cafe, he pays the woman to come to his …

"A haunting tale of strange and random passion."—New York TimesDisaffected, bored with his career at the French Colonial Ministry (where he has copied out birth and death certificates for eight years), and disgusted by a mistress whose vapid optimism arouses his most violent misogyny, the narrator of The Sailor from …