The Family is a 2001 novel written by Mario Puzo. The novel is about Pope Alexander VI and his family. Puzo spent over twenty years working on the book off and on, while he wrote others. The novel was finished by his longtime girlfriend, Carol Gino. The Family is effectively his last novel.
The Last Don is a novel by Mario Puzo, best known as the author of The Godfather. The story alternates between the film industry and the Las Vegas Strip casinos, showing how the Mafia is linked to them both.
Omertà is a novel by Mario Puzo, published posthumously in 2000. It was first published by Ballantine Books. Omertà follows the story of Don Aprile's adopted "nephew" Astorre Viola. This is the final book in Puzo's mafia trilogy. The first two were The Godfather and The Last Don.
The Sicilian is a novel by Italian-American author Mario Puzo. Published in 1984 by Random House Publishing Group, it is based on Puzo's most famous work, The Godfather. It is regarded as The Godfather's literary sequel. In this novel, the spelling of Salvatore Giuliano's name was intentionally changed by Puzo to …
ゴッドファーザーは、アメリカの作家マリオ・プーゾによる犯罪小説である。 初版は1969年3月10日、G. P. Putnam's Sons社による。 ニューヨークとロングビーチに本拠地を置く、架空のシシリアン・マフィアのファミリーを描く。 ファミリーを率いるのはドン・ヴィトー・コルレオーネで、イタリアン・マフィアを象徴する男である。 小説には、1945年から1955年にかけてのファミリーの様相と、幼年期から青年期にかけてのヴィトー・コルレオーネを回想する場面とが、交互に描かれる。 小説のヒットにより、「コンシリエーレ consigliere = 相談役」「カポレジーム caporegime = 幹部」「コーサ・ノストラ Cosa …