Captain Pantoja and the Special Service is a relatively short comedic novel by acclaimed Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. The story takes place in the Peruvian department of Amazonas, where troops from the Peruvian Army are attended to by sex workers, referred to euphemistically in the Spanish term visitadora, …
Авантуре неваљале девојчице најчитанија је и најпродаванија књига у Србији током 2011. године. Вођена мајсторским пером добитника нобелове награде за књижевност 2010. године, Мариа Варгаса Љосе, прича прати несвакидашњу љубавну авантуру која се наизменично прекида и наставља у периоду од 40 година. Слободно се може …
Mario Vargas Llosa's brilliant, multilayered novel is set in the Lima, Peru, of the author's youth, where a young student named Marito is toiling away in the news department of a local radio station. His young life is disrupted by two arrivals.The first is his aunt Julia, recently divorced and thirteen years older, …