The Six Messiahs is a 1995 novel by Mark Frost, a sequel to The List of Seven. The two main characters are real-life person Arthur Conan Doyle and fictional character Jack Sparks.

The Greatest Game Ever Played: Harry Vardon, Francis Ouimet, and the Birth of Modern Golf is a book by Mark Frost.

Renowned novelist and screenwriter Mark Frost turns his eye for golf to an event so famous that it's grown to the stuff of legend. In 1956, a casual bet between two millionaires eventually pitted two of the greatest golfers of the era-Byron Nelson and Ben Hogan-against top amateurs: Harvie Ward and Ken Venturi. Frost …

From the co-creator of the landmark series, the story millions of fans have been waiting to get their hands on for 25 long years.The Secret History of Twin Peaks enlarges the world of the original series, placing the unexplained phenomena that unfolded there into a vastly layered, wide-ranging history, beginning with …