The Jazz Theory Book is an influential jazz theory book by Mark Levine, first published in 1995. The book is a staple in jazz theory and the most comprehensive study of jazz harmony and theory ever published, and contains a wide range of jazz concepts from melodic minor scales and whole tone scale to bebop scales, …

The Jazz Piano Book is a tutorial by Mark Levine that aims to summarise the musical theory, including jazz harmony, required by an aspiring jazz pianist. Upon its publication in 1989, it quickly garnered widespread praise from both established jazz musicians and educators for its concise, friendly tone and its …

The landscapes of these poems - marshes, fields, shorelines, cities - have been vacated, as John Keats might say, "one minute past." With an unwavering gaze, in Enola Gay Levine sifts through the residue produced by a great and terrible collapse."--BOOK JACKET.

In his third book of poems, Mark Levine continues his exploration of the rhythms and forms of memory. The Wilds is set in the border regions between natural and cultivated states, childhood and adulthood, past and present. "We were boys," says the speaker of the opening poem, "boyish, almost girls./Left alone on the …