When Marshall McLuhan first coined the phrases "global village" and "the medium is the message" in 1964, no-one could have predicted today's information-dependent planet. No-one, that is, except for a handful of science fiction writers and Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media was written twenty years before the PC …

Millions of "global villagers" connected by the communications revolution Marshall McLuhan foresaw, have never read the most influential, prophetic, and entertaining book ever written on the subject--The Medium is the Message (originally published in 1967). The authors have selected excerpts from McLuhan's most …

Gutenberg Galaksisi: Tipografik İnsanın Oluşumu, Marshall McLuhan'ın 1962 yılında yayımlanan medya teorisi kitabı. Yazar, kitabında, medya türlerinin insan algısını değiştirerek toplumsal unsurları nasıl etkilediğini analiz etmiş ve elektronik bağımlılık yoluyla dünyanın bir "küresel köy" haline geleceğini …

The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man is a pioneering study of popular culture by Herbert Marshall McLuhan, treating newspapers, comics, and advertisements as poetic texts. Like his later 1962 book The Gutenberg Galaxy, The Mechanical Bride is unique and composed of a number of short essays that can be read …