Third in the bestselling series from "one of the established masters of the genre" (Newsweek). Scotland Yard's Richard Jury solves a bizarre murder in an even stranger town-and follows a treasure map to yet another chilling crime...
They were two young women, strikingly similar in life…strikingly similar in death. Both strangled with their own scarvesone in Devon, one outside of a fashionable Mayfair pub called I Am the Only Running Footman. Richard Jury teams up with Devon’s irascible local divisional commander, Brian Macalvie, to solve the …
At the Man with a Load of Mischief, they found the dead body stuck in a keg of beer. At the Jack and Hammer, another body was stuck out on the beam of the pub’s sign, replacing the mechanical man who kept the time. Two pubs. Two murders. One Scotland Yard inspector called in to help. Detective Chief Inspector Richard …
The rainy day on which they meet sets the tone for Jury’s romance with a mysteriously troubled widow named Jane Holdsworth. The passionate affair comes to a crashing halt when Jane is found dead. As an investigation ensues—with Jury a suspect—he realizes how little he knew about Jane, her teenage son, and her …
Over the course of three nights, Harry - a stranger who sits down next to Jury one night in a London pub - spins a complicated story about a good friend of his whose wife, son and dog disappeared over nine-months ago during a house viewing in Surrey. There has been no trace of them and no clue as to what happened. But …
When an unidentified five-year-old girl is shot on a grimy street in London, Jury knows this will be one of the hardest investigations of his career. He is joined by his colleague DI Johnny Blakeley, head of the paedophile unit of New Scotland Yard, who suspects Viktor Baumann, owner of an iniquitous house on the same …