The Pregnant Widow on Martin Amisin romaani, joka ilmestyi 2010. Teoksesta oli alun perin tarkoitus tulla omaelämäkerrallinen teos, mutta sen kirjoittaminen ei edennyt, ennen kuin hän päätti siirtyä romaanimuodon vapauteen. Teoksen valmistuminen kesti lopulta seitsemän vuotta, ja osasta materiaalia on syntymässä …
The Second Plane is a collection of twelve pieces of nonfiction and two short stories by the British writer Martin Amis on the subject of the 9/11 attacks, terrorism, Muslim radicalisation and the subsequent global War on Terror.
The War Against Cliché is an anthology of essays, book reviews and literary criticism from the British author Martin Amis. The collection received the National Book Critics Circle award in 2001.
Fame, envy, lust, violence, intrigues literary and criminal--they're all here in The Information. How does one writer hurt another writer? This is the question novelist Richard Tull mills over, for his friend Gwyn Barry has become a darling of book buyers, award committees, and TV interviewers, even as Tull himself …
Visiting Mrs Nabokov is a 1993 collection of non-fiction writing by the British author Martin Amis.
Detective Mike Hoolihan has seen it all. A fifteen-year veteran of the force, she's gone from walking a beat, to robbery, to homicide. But one case--this case--has gotten under her skin.When Jennifer Rockwell, darling of the community and daughter of a respected career cop--now top brass--takes her own life, no one is …