Væren og tid er et filosofisk verk av Martin Heidegger publisert i 1927. Det regnes som et hovedverk innen fenomenologien og har hatt stor innflytelse på filosofien og andre humanistiske fagretninger i det tjuende århundre. Verket representerer Heideggers tidlige tanker – før den såkalte ”vendingen”. Heideggers …

Introduction to Metaphysics is a book by Martin Heidegger and is the published version of a lecture course he gave in the Summer of 1935 at the University of Freiburg. The book is famous for its powerful reinterpretation of Greek thought and infamous for its acknowledgement of the Nazi Party. The content of these …

Originally published in German under the title Holzwege, this collection of texts is Heidegger's first post-war work and contains some of the major expositions of his later philosophy. Although translations of the essays have appeared individually in a variety of places, this is the first English translation to bring …