image of Matt Cohen

Matt Cohen

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Elizabeth and After is a novel by Matt Cohen, first published in 1999 by Knopf Canada. His final novel, it won the Governor General's Award for English language fiction just a few weeks before Cohen's death.

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Espagne, fin du XIVe siècle. Avram Espinosa Halevi, né d’un viol lors du saccage de Tolède, quitte son pays quand il comprend qu’il en est fini de la tolérance. Proscrit pour être de sang mêlé, il décide de s’en retourner en l’heureuse ville de Montpellier où le fanatisme ne tardera pas à le rattraper... Le Médecin de …

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Matt Cohen left us all a gift when he decided, in the last six months of his life, to write a memoir. Typing is an invaluable and touching reckoning of the writing life, funny in many places, brilliant in others. It's also the story of the flourishing of writing in Canada: Cohen was at the centre of our country's …

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