Former Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives and leading organizer of the Tea Party movement, Dick Armey offers a Tea Party Manifesto: Give Us Liberty. Written with Matt Kibbee, President and CEO of FreedomWorks, Give Us Liberty defines the issues and agenda of the wildfire grassroots movement that is …

Do you believe in the freedom of individuals to determine their own future and solve problems cooperatively?Don't hurt people, and don't take their stuff. Simple and straightforward, that's liberty in a nutshell—no assembly required.And yet it seems like, more and more, the decisions Washington makes about what to do …

A rebellious challenge to the "upper management" of government, who are choking American prosperity and liberty The American enterprise grew exceptional based on the founding principles of individual freedom, decentralized knowledge, and accountable, constitutionally limited government. But our "leaders" from …