Star Wars. Episodio III. La vendetta dei Sith è un romanzo di fantascienza del 2005 di Matthew Stover, edito in Italia da Sperling & Kupfer, tratto dalla sceneggiatura del film omonimo scritto e diretto da George Lucas. Il libro riprende fedelmente la trama del film, arricchendola di particolari inediti. È da …

Heroes Die by Matthew Stover is the first of a series of novels blending science fiction and fantasy and featuring the protagonist Caine.

Shatterpoint is a science fiction novel by Matthew Stover set in the Star Wars universe. Star Wars creator George Lucas wrote the prologue to the novel. Its main character is Jedi Master Mace Windu. Stover based Shatterpoint on both Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness, and the film Apocalypse Now. The book takes …

Traitor is a 2002 novel by Matthew Stover in the New Jedi Order series, which is set in the Star Wars universe. It is the thirteenth installment of the series.

Blade of Tyshalle is a science-fiction novel by Matthew Stover and sequel to Heroes Die set seven years after the events of its predecessor. It is the second book in the ongoing Acts of Caine novel cycle. Like Heroes Die it focuses on Hari Michaelson and his struggles on Earth and Overworld.

Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor is a standalone novel that chronicles the Battle of Mindor, a fictional event in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. The novel was written by Matthew Stover, and was released in December 2008. The novel is set shortly after Return of the Jedi and the novel Prophets of the Dark …

Caine Black Knife is a 2008 fantasy novel written by American Science Fiction author Matthew Stover. It is labeled as the third of the Acts of Caine, and is act one of the Atonement story arc. It is published by the Ballantine Books division of Del Rey. This is the third book in "The Acts of Caine" series, following …