The Princess Diaries, Volume IV and 1/2: Project Princess is a young adult novel in the critically acclaimed Princess Diaries series. Written by Meg Cabot, it was released in 2003 by HarperCollins Publishers and is the first novella in the series. Most princesses would prefer to spend their spring breaks in Gstaad, or …
The Princess Diaries, Volume VI and 1/2: The Princess Present is a young adult book in the critically acclaimed Princess Diaries series. Written by Meg Cabot, it was released in 2005 by HarperTeen Publishers.
The Princess Diaries, Volume VII and 1/2: Sweet Sixteen Princess is a young adult book in the critically acclaimed Princess Diaries series. Written by Meg Cabot, it was released in 2005 by Harper Collins Publishers and is the third novella in the series.
The Princess Diaries, Volume VII: Party Princess, released in the United Kingdom as The Princess Diaries: Seventh Heaven, is a young adult book in the critically acclaimed Princess Diaries series. Written by Meg Cabot, it was released in 2006 by Harper Collins Publishers and is the seventh novel in the series.