Magpie is a thirteen-year-old orphan chosen by one of the magical Companion horses of Valdemar and taken to the capital city, Haven, to be trained as a Herald. Like all Heralds, Magpie learns that he has a hidden Gift-the Gift of telepathy. But life at the court is not without obstacles. When Mags is "recognized" by …
First commissioned for "the dragon quintet" edited by Marvin Kaye, "Joust" appeared as a short story along with "In the Dragon's House" by Orson Scott Card, "Judgment" by Elizabeth Moon, "Love in a time of Dragons" by Tanith Lee and "Dragon King" by Michael Swanwick. Joust is the first in a planned tetralogy by …
A dozen years of peace have passed in the city of White Gryphon - providing well deserved and much needed security for the people who had lost their homes in the magical Cataclysm which killed the Mage Urtho, creator of the gryphons. But the inhabitants of White Gryphon have not forgotten their long struggles, and …