Magic's Pawn is a 1989 fantasy novel by Mercedes Lackey. The first of The Last Herald Mage trilogy, it centers around a powerful Herald-Mage named Vanyel Ashkevron, in the kingdom of Valdemar; the planet is called Velgarth. Mages are those who can do magic. Heralds are people with extrasensory or psychic abilities who …

Arrows of the Queen is a fantasy novel by Mercedes Lackey. It is the first book in the Heralds of Valdemar trilogy, coming before Arrow's Flight and Arrow's Fall. The book was first released in 1987, and was Lackey's first published work. Arrows of the Queen is identified as ISBN 978-0-88677-378-6. Arrows of the Queen …

運命の剣は、アメリカの小説家マーセデス・ラッキーによるファンタジー小説。祖母ケスリーから魔法の剣〈もとめ〉を受け継いだケロウィンが、タルマに鍛え上げられ、一人の女性として、傭兵として、傭兵隊長として成長する様が描かれる。 …

The Fairy Godmother is a novel by Mercedes Lackey, published in 2004 and the first book of the Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms series.

Winds of Change is a fantasy novel by Mercedes Lackey. It is the second book in the Mage Winds Trilogy, in order between Winds of Fate and Winds of Fury. The book was first released in August 1994.