Nie masz wroga prócz czasu – powieść fantastyczno-naukowa amerykańskiego pisarza Michaela Bishopa. Powieść ukazała się w 1982 r., polskie wydanie, w tłumaczeniu Marka Marszała, wydało wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka w 2000 r. Powieść otrzymała nagrodę Nebula w 1982 r.

Blooded on Arachne is a collection of science fiction stories by American author Michael Bishop. It was published in 1982 by Arkham House in an edition of 4,081 copies. The volume, Bishop's first short fiction collection, contains two novellas as well as two poems.

Who Made Stevie Crye?, subtitled A Novel of the American South, is a horror novel by author Michael Bishop. It was released in 1984 by Arkham House in an edition of 3,591 copies, and later in paperback by Headline. It was the author's first novel and third book published by Arkham House. A 30th Anniversary Edition was …