As Incríveis Aventuras de Kavalier & Clay é um livro escrito por Michael Chabon e publicado em 2000, vencedor do Prêmio Pulitzer em 2001 na categoria ficção. O livro acompanha a vida de seus personagens-título, um artista tcheco e um escritor do Brooklin – ambos judeus -, antes, durante e depois da Segunda Guerra …

A prosa original e imaginativa de Michael Chabon mais uma vez surpreende: num mundo em que o Estado de Israel foi destruído, logo após sua fundação em 1948, por uma coalizão árabe, os judeus da diáspora se instalam no distrito federal de Sitka, no litoral do Alasca, que lhes foi concedido provisoriamente pelo governo …

Grady Tripp is a pot-smoking middle aged novelist who has stalled on a 2611 page opus titled Wonder Boys. His student James Leer is a troubled young writer obsessed by Hollywood suicides and at work on his own first novel. Grady's bizarre editor Terry Crabtree and another student, Hannah Green, come together in his …

The Mysteries of Pittsburgh is a novel by American author Michael Chabon. The story is a coming-of-age tale set during the early 1980s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was Chabon's first novel, which he began writing as a 21-year-old undergraduate at the University of Pittsburgh. He continued to work on it during his …

The Final Solution: A Story of Detection is a 2004 novella by Michael Chabon. It is a detective story that in many ways pays homage to the writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and other writers of the genre. The story, set in 1944, revolves around an unnamed 89-year-old long-retired detective, now interested mostly in …

Gentlemen of the Road is a 2007 serial novel by American author Michael Chabon. It is a "swashbuckling adventure" set in the kaganate of Khazaria around AD 950. It follows two Jewish bandits who become embroiled in a rebellion and a plot to restore a displaced Khazar prince to the throne.

Summerland is a 2002 fantasy young adult novel by American writer Michael Chabon. It is about young children who save the world from destruction by playing baseball, the central theme and symbol throughout the novel. Summerland weaves elements of a World Series, parallel-universe road trip, and a hero's odyssey. The …

A Model World and Other Stories is a 1991 collection of short stories by Michael Chabon. It was his first story collection and second book, following the 1988 novel, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh.